Conceived in a dressing room that fateful afternoon to the lupine teenager Scott Howard and an aspiring actress named Pamela Wells, we are the illegitimate, though extremely proud, Sons of Teen Wolf. And this is our movie blog.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Rambo 5 Coming Soon

In case you didn't get enough of a past-his-prime Stallone in Rocky Balboa and the fourth Rambo movie, you'll be thrilled to know Rambo 5 is greenlit and ready to go into production early next year.

Sylvester Stallone in Rambo: First Blood Part II

Call me crazy but I actually liked that latest Rambo movie. A bit too short really, but much better than First Blood II (I haven't seen III so I can't compare). Not a big enough Rambo fan to see this in the theatre, but I'd rent this newest installment for sure.

So what's the plot slated for Rambo 5? Well, according to Variety, "The upcoming project's storyline revolves around Rambo fighting his way through human traffickers and drug lords to rescue a young girl abducted near the U.S.-Mexico border." Nice!! We're all pissed at South of the Border drug lords and illegal Mexican immigrants so let's send Sly down here to San Diego and have him slip across to Tijuana. There will be blood!!!

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