Conceived in a dressing room that fateful afternoon to the lupine teenager Scott Howard and an aspiring actress named Pamela Wells, we are the illegitimate, though extremely proud, Sons of Teen Wolf. And this is our movie blog.

Friday, October 2, 2009


All I wanted to watch tonight was Kill Bill Vol 1. But I can't find it. Do you know how frustrating this is? I mean I even keep all my dvds/blu-rays in alphabetical order, I'm so anal, but it's not there. I have no idea where it could be but so I'm pissed. It's an all yellow cover so it's not like it could be camouflaged or anything. Pissed. All I really wanted, to make my life complete, was to watch Kill Bill right now. Hmmm...I guess it's True Romance, then. Kinda in a Tarantino mood this evening to compliment my Friday dinner of doritos, smartfood, chips a'hoy and beer. Where the hell is my movie?

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